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Hates being called Tony. Every Tony is fake Anthony. Pronounce correctly, "th" is there for a reason.
Calm, composed and reliable, wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless you try to hurt him or someone dear to him in a dark alley, then you'll realize he knows hundreds of ways to kill you and won't hesitate to do it. But he will do no more than necessary, because he's still a nice guy, so you might be lucky to survive.
The best friend, colleague, son, grandson, boyfriend, acquaintance (...) - you just want him in your life. He will bring you donuts just when you need them - you can't say that about everybody.
Passionate, thorough, smart, knowable, funny. Always willing to help. You can talk with him about everything and there is a slim chance he'll find it weird.
A unicorn among people. If you find real Anthony - befriend him!!

-Is that Antony?

- Do you need a ride?
- No, thank you, Anthony already offered.

by H3quila October 21, 2019

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