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A scene kid is a kid like me who has a troubled past and grew up in a dark background and dresses like an emo kid. No, I'm not emo, and nor is any of my scenexkid brotheren.

No, we aren't "cunts" and we just like emo style. Most of us were emo at one time, and I'm setting the record straight to those of you who agree that scene kids are just emo and all we like is Slipknot.

We are music junkies and if you don't know what that is, you've come to the right site. We explore different versions of music.

The only accurate part of the above statements are that we like names like NEONxTEAL or something like that.

We view the world in a creative and unique way and capture it the way we see it. As example from false and draggatory statements above, "from wierd angles with a TUFF face" and I don't talk like "SUP NIGZ" or "kthnx" or wtf ever else you choose to believe.

We are ARTISTS. We have wierd phobias and we are very BA as one might say. Because we like emo fashion, doesn't make us emo. We don't all have black hair. I don't. Mine is multiple colors because I'm many things as are most of us.

We may be "Emo" one day and "Boho" or "Indie" the next. I'm just like all of you, but wiser and more mature. That's how a lot of scene kids are.

Get. It. Right.

We like other stores besides Hot Topic and the girls still read Seventeen and watch America's Next Top Model. Guys ... different story. Point being, we're not emo and we're setting it straight.


indie boho indie music junkie emo scene kid scene girls

by HANNAHxHATESxMONTANA April 29, 2010

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