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One of the best friends you’ll ever have. So good you’ll definitely fall in love with her. She’s shy at first and not particularly good at socialising but in spite of that she has this natural, charming character that you just wish everybody was like her. If that was the case, the world would be a much better place; she is the most caring person you’ll ever meet, somebody to lean on when you’re going through tough times. Apart from that, she’s the best chef ever. Marian also loves speaking about her home and her family somewhere else, which is so cute (you’ll learn something new from her hometown every day), but what she doesn’t realise is that everywhere she is, it makes that place and the people sharing the time with her feel like home. You truly feel at home by her side. I wish she knew how amazing she is. If you ever meet a Marian, never let her go. Oh and I almost forgot: she’s the best looking beauty your eyes will ever get to see.

- Why are you moving from Madrid to Mallorca?
- I met a Marian; couldn’t let her go.

by HRHPW98 February 2, 2022

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