Someone who habitually drinks pure vanilla extract jungle juice. They be fiending for that shit.
Dam! Jeffrey here sure is a vanilla fiend! He fiend hard for that shit!
big fucking number that the mathmatician guys made while blacking out E100#^(#^#^#^#*#^#)100
Guy who scams people with """"""""dragon piss""""""""
Jacob A. Tashma is a tethriterator jackass
Love teeth. NUM NUM ROCKS. Rocks that make your food digestible.
Teeth are good for breaking food.
The people with the name Tashma are gods amongst men. With power that rivals the sun. Their bodies and minds are perfect. Their minds are so cunning and godlike. They are simply the best. They rule the universe.
Omg thatâs a Tashma. Iâve waited my entire life for this moment to see their grace. To see what true god-hood is.
Big strong Jones is cracked. Loves mom and crack. Beats his classmates with a baseball bat.
Oh shit itâs cracked jones! Please save me!
Cracked Jones: You DIDNt REcYCLe THe MOtHeRfUCkInG PAPEr yoU PIeCE Of DhiR You mUsT Die11!!!!!!!}!#!!}ât