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Encyclopedia Dramatica

Encyclopedia Dramatica is a site run by middle aged men and 13 year old boys that were banned off of 4Chan, cried rivers of tears, and made ED to feel "special" and "different from 4chan". It's a site that specializes in ridiculing people and making articles about old memes. Most of the time, it tries to be funny but fails..HARD. It's a site so poor, it needs to leech money off it's own members in order to survive. It just shows that it's a terrible site that can't even run itself efficiently. It's nice to browse once in a while, but it sucks to be a member.

Encyclopedia Dramatica:Donations nao?
Everyone else: NO!

Insert topic here is a autistic, retarded faggot who thinks he ownz teh internetz. You can help by raeping him up the ass.

by HalcyHatesTrollsDespiteBeing1 December 5, 2011

154👍 24👎