Source Code

supershiestysneaky bounce

the low-key underdog beer pong partner's power to make any bounce shot no matter how amazing the defense is.

Guys: Haha youll never make a shot
Girl: (uses the supershiestysneaky bounce shot)
Guys: Fuck.

by Hankgod August 24, 2010

13👍 1👎

Progressive Porn Disorder

The anamoly that occurs after having so much messed up porn available online that a picture of a naked blonde doesnt cut it anymore

Brad: Ay dude i got the new issue of Hustler

Chris: No time right now, im watching a 50-1 gangbang

Brad: You gotta see a psychiatrist about that progressive porn disorder

by Hankgod May 21, 2011

20👍 2👎

Progressive Porn Disorder

The anomoly that occurs after watching so much internet porn that naked chicks in magazines doesn't cut it anymore

Guy 1: Ay man I got the new Hustler

Guy 2: Can't, Im watching this epic gangbang

Guy 1: You need to see a psychiatrist about that Progressive Porn Disorder

by Hankgod June 6, 2011

3👍 4👎


Constant fuck. Not your bf (boyfriend) or gf (girlfriend)... just the person you constantly fuck.

Guy 1: Hey man is that your gf?

Guy 2: Nah thats my cf.

by Hankgod October 11, 2010

131👍 108👎