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n. 1. Lebanese male, Leb, Lebs or Lebo

1. A: That girly-boy attacked that young man you heard about after he bought pizza from that pizzeria. The girly-boy did not do it alone. I saw him earlier ring up his friends on his mobile phone. Out of the night all these WRX's gathered near the young guy, pizza in hand. A pile of girly-boys - friends of the first girly-boy - jumped out and helped him attack, bash and kick the young guy with the pizza. There was no reason for it: they did not take the pizza. He, with his friends, behaved like real cowards.

B. The cowards were Lebs.

by Hannibal Barca September 19, 2008

9👍 32👎


- The fear of spending the rest of your life in Tunisia.
- Tunisian millennials have developed a unique kind of mass anxiety, which has gradually developed into a new phobia category in which is today defined as TunisiaPhobia.
- General symptoms include intense anxiety and fear of not being able to leave Tunisia, and start a better life somewhere else, or being forced to return for those who have already left.

- Hey Bayrem, why are you shaking? what's wrong?
- I think I am having another TunisiaPhobia attack again man...

by Hannibal Barca July 5, 2021

40👍 3👎


Leb n. 1. An abbreviated name used colloquially for people from Lebanon or of Lebanese extraction, 2. A derogatory name given to people of Lebanese extraction who are immigrants to or children of Lebanese immigrants in Australia and who conduct themselves in a manner conspicuously anti-social and who are commonly associated with bad taste. Broadly, they are people of Middle-Eastern appearance who usually have an Islamic upbringing, have a chip on their shoulder and who feel bigotry is their prerogative. Lebs usually conduct themselves in groups and work to intimidate others. In Australia, the term "Leb" connotes criminal, thief, geek, coward, racist, thug, one with a lack of culture, one with a lack of education, one who practices intimidation when in a group with other Lebs or with a weapon or when concealed, and someone who discriminates against Australians (non-Lebanese). The term "Leb" has been acquired as a descriptor by the broader community of people of Lebanese extraction and the like after a reputation was earned in the community, notably in Sydney, over a number of years as the sub-group became distinguished by gang-bashings, car-theft and car re-birthing, gun crime, and in particular gang rapes (See: Bilal Skaf) and the Revenge Attacks of December 2005 in connection with the Cronulla Riot. The announcement by the Head of Islam in Australia who led the Lebanese Muslim community that it was okay for Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women in his infamous "Catsmeat" sermon also did much to cement the perception that Lebs were a dysfunctional sub-group within the Australian multicultural mix.

ex 1.

A: Where is he from?

B: His parents are from Lebanon, so he must be a Leb.

ex 2. In Australia, although society works hard to stop the classification, the lowest standing of any group belongs to Lebs.

by Hannibal Barca May 8, 2008

249👍 130👎