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A Patriot is someone who lets his belief system be decided for him by the place he was born and the government running it.

They can't decide things for themselves so these people give their allegiance to pieces of cloth instead of the human race.

The imperialist kamakaze Japanese in World War II were huge patriots.

The Nazi Party were huge patriots.

The Israeli Defence Force members being fined 100 shekels for killing innocent children in palestine are huge patriots.

by HappyRaceTraitor January 9, 2005

22👍 31👎


Boring ignorant people who are too scared of the idea of nations and cultures mixing because they claim this will result in everyone being the same. It may indeed do that for a short while, but then new cultures will emerge in different places around the globe, new races will spring up from race mixing etc and they will flow into eachother and mix and so on.

Nationalists claim not be racist but fail to realise that caring that strongly about preserving their race is a form of racism. Let's face it that's really the bare bones of nationalism, stopping interracial breeding and preserving the status quo. What they don't understand is that it doesn't matter what race or culture is the majority at any one point in time, only that they accept and love all the others, and that the new cultures that are born continue that ideology. Like confucianism and christianity were the principles on which Asian and White (respectivly) cultures were developed, the next era's cultures should be developed on a belief in acceptance and love.

We should transcend the need to divide ourselves by color and nationality.

Nationalist: I'm so sick of all the asians over here why can't they stay in their countries. All these white men breeding with them are reducing our ranks, soon we'll be outnumbered!

"Race Traitor": Dude, so what? They are happy together aren't they? No race or culture is gonna last forever man.

by HappyRaceTraitor January 8, 2005

64👍 149👎