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A guy named Benjamin but acts like a total lady. Most often are in homosexual relationships and are usually the little spoon or the person "receiving". These people are also associated with addictions to snapchat games and streamers. These people treat their friends distastefully and are often in and out of their ex-boyfriend's houses.

Guy 1 : Hey have you guys seen Benjamin lately???
Guy 2: Who??? Are you talking about Womjamin??
Guy 1: Womjamin?
Guy 3: Yeah he's over at his ex's house playing sling racers I think. 3rd time this month too. I hope he's okay

by HaroldOswald March 1, 2021


Usually the name a disgusting person uses when they find themselves attracted to underage women. Someone named DT can also have an infested coach full of roaches and probably work at walmart for the rest of their sad unfulfilling lives.

Father : someone snuck into my daughters bedroom last night!! Im going to kill that bastard!

Coworker : It was probably that stocker at walmart.... DT.

by HaroldOswald May 9, 2021


An insult targeted not at homosexuals but at rude friends that never join voice chats.

Also a term used for anyone that sleeps through quizzes because they stayed up all night watching streamers or V-tubers.

Is Jeremy skipping out on discord again tonight?? Tell that faggatron to stop watching someone play Valheim and join us.

by HaroldOswald February 24, 2021

2👍 2👎


A person that finds themselves attracted to underage girls that primarily work at retail stores. They also have a fetish for smearing feces under their mattresses and often grunt and walk like a Neanderthal.

Did you see that guy hitting on Sydni??! He's a total Bleau.

by HaroldOswald February 24, 2021

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