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Let’s kill da hoe beetch

A jojo eord from Jojo’s bizarre adventure:diamond is unbreakable

Jojo no kimyou na bouken:diamond wa kurekinai

Koichi:do that again
Echos act 3:let’s kill da hoe beetch

by HarukiMurakami September 24, 2020

6👍 1👎


Suspicious (usually used in among us if some one gets suspicious at some body will be like)

Among us
One person found a dead body
That one red guy:you look sus
That one red guy:*emergency meeting*

by HarukiMurakami September 22, 2020


Something annoying or a comedy that is really annoying it’s uncomforting you
Like “epic”now is a cringy meme becourse of people use it to much

person2:that’s kinda cringy dude,we only used when we win or lose a game

by HarukiMurakami September 22, 2020