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n. Used to describe an instance in which something is so awesome you spaz-out and orgasm at the same time.

v. The act of having a spaz-gasm.

"I swear when I got my laptop for Christmas I had a spaz-gasm all over the house."

"I nearly spaz-gasmed when Jacob took off his shirt in 'New Moon.'"

"Every time I look in the mirror I want to spaz-gasm because I look so good!"

by Hasotweb December 7, 2009

5👍 1👎


adj. Describing something REALLY awesome, like the namesake. If using the word is contrary to your religious beliefs, it is acceptable to use the Spanish pronunciation: "hay-soose."

"The Harry Potter series is so jesus."

"Barack Obama is so jesus."

"My hair is so jesus today."

by Hasotweb December 7, 2009

2👍 18👎


n. Cool, fresh, and/or awesome; the opposite of champ.

Last night's episode of Glee was SO FUNNY! Definitely antichamp!

by Hasotweb April 30, 2011