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Mansplaining happens when a man speaks in a patronising and condescending tone to someone with the incorrect assumption that he is more knowledgeable about a subject than another because of the other person’s sex, class, social status, age and/or experience.

Originally coined by women to refer to misogynistic men, it has since been expanded to apply to all sexes and ages as everyone can be a target of mansplaining, it is not limited to a single demographic.

Some vague examples of mansplaining:

Explaining to a woman how a car runs in simple terms when she’s a mechanic.

A customer talking in a patronising manner to a new employee about how to do their job, despite them having trained for their job for 10 years.

Explaining to someone why music 50 years ago was better and that they wouldn’t know because they’re too young to understand.

Etc. etc.

by Heart. January 26, 2022

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