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swapping 20's

Swapping 20's is trading child and adulthood horror stories with someone new encountered in public life as a way of bonding with them and creating the first strains of friendship with them. Derived from "What's your 20", CB lingo for "your location" or "where you're at."

In "female rules", if she wants to be seen as "a nice person", and therefore easy to manipulate later on, the recipient is supposed to reciprocate with similar personal revelations. Often involves confessing scandalously damaging personal information, liberally sprinkled with Dr. Phil-style psychobabble.

Eventually backfires.


1) New female doctor you encountered in grocery store wants to be friends with you, so she confesses to you she sleeps with all her younger male patients, then asks you for your advice when she confesses one of them may be gay and might have given her a disease. Four days after you meet her.

2) New female stranger you ran into at a rock club wants to be friends with you, so her first-ever phone call to you is about how her father molested her as a child. The night of the day you meet her.

3) Distant female acquaintance you've seen once or twice at school wants to step up the next level to friendship, so one night out of the blue you get a phone call from her, find out she got your number from someone who shouldn't have given it, and she wants to talk with you at length about her extensive liposuction surgeries and suicidal feelings. Suddenly. Over wine. RIGHT NOW.

The above are yet continuing example of why I agree with men that most women are pathologically insane.

And I'm a woman.

"Yeah, Kate and I were swapping 20's last night over sangria and the stuff she wanted to talk about got out of hand."

"Say, I hear you and Marilyn swapped 20's last night. Did she talk about her 1979 flirtation with bestiality?"

"One reason women's relationships with men go wrong is they decide they and the guy should swap 20's the day after they just met."

by Heatherofthetorah May 25, 2007

10👍 10👎


To enchildify someone is when Person A meets Person B and is made insecure by them for some reason, so from now on Person A addresses Person B in an age-inappropriately belittling or condescending manner, as though Person B is a child: e.g.,

1) Speaking to Person B in a high-pitched, soft, sickly-sweet voice when both individuals are adults

2) Pausing and smiling ingratiatingly sidelong at Person B after every few sentences, the way you do to a toddler; an "aww, isn't Person B cuuuute" kind of thing

3) Always asking Person B how their finances are doing, how their relationships or job are doing, which carries the faint, deliberate implication Person B must be doing badly all the time

4) Always offering (within earshot of others) to aid Person B financially or with advice, when Person B has never asked for such help

5) Saying "OHHHH! Isn't that NICE!" or "Isn't that SWEET!" after Person B mentions something good that has happened for them recently

"Enchildifying in action" is almost invisible to men, but a high warfare art among women. Women sometimes enchildify other women if the second group of women have not had babies yet or choose to be single. This is most marked in African-American, Jewish and Mediterranean cultures. The reason men do not enchildify each other is because a man would beat another man severely if he tried it. It is a way of marking territory, a way of Person A declaring themselves bigger and badder than Person B, and of making Person B "one-down" in front of other women.

"You know, if Diane enchildifies me one more time I am going to whup that beyotch's ass."

"Don't baby-talk and enchildify me, Lydia, just because I run a successful movie company and you just live off your husband and have babies. OK?"

"Of course I have a bank account, you twat. Don't most adults? Don't fucking enchildify me. I see through you."

by Heatherofthetorah May 25, 2007


Strongly anti-Semitic term, although sometimes used intraracially by some Jews, to described disliked Jews within our own community. If you are Jewish, please don't use the term.

"Gazaga" is usually used to describe someone crass, vulgar and materialistic who has poor manners and little taste, and seems to exist to attract antisemitism and embarrass the Jewish community. Male "gazagas" are often small in height, hairy (esp. chest and back), sexually lewd, and socially belligerent (e.g., snipped, rude, curt tone on the phone, pushy in bus and other lines, aggressive in traffic, and often overtly racist and sexist).

Many work in the entertainment industry. Steve Lawrence in "The Blues Brothers" was cinematic depiction of a gazaga. The rude nature of the movie business is due to its being overrun not by compassionate, normal Jews, but our vicious black sheep cousin the gazaga.

Female "gazagas" are thought to be unattractive, mannish, aggressive, and undesirable. Like their male counterparts, they are pushy, crude, and mannerless, but carry additional dislikable behaviors such as a whiny Bronx-or-New Jersey accented voice, a frequently pinched, wrinkled-nosed expression (as if smelling something bad), loud speech and laughter in public, and manipulative, vengeful attitudes.

Most Jewish men unfairly and unaccurately stereotype all Jewish women as gazagas in order to feel better about dating and marrying Gentile women.

Both genders of gazagas are often seen in public doing the types of shandas all Jews end up unfairly stereotyped, suspected and punished for:

1. Holding up the line for hours at a Gentile ice cream shop interrogating the $5/hour clerk about whether the products are kosher - while wearing kippah - which they only wear in Gentile establishments to show off that they are Jewish, because gazagas do not observe Torah and do not go to shul (so why are they worried about kosher?)

2. Talking loudly in Gentile public establishments and wearing cheap, crass clothing (for the women, fake wool sweaters covered in sequins or decorated with 3-dimensional sewn-on objects such as fuzzy lambs or lame menorahs); for the men, Bermuda shorts even in winter, a hoodie at age 66, and too much gold jewelry dangling in the chest hair - blend with sandals while wearing socks

3. Nitpicking over all the prices at a sale, in public and very loudly so all normal Jews will be embarrassed (thanks a lot)

4. Examining their food at a restaurant very closely then complaining bitterly and loudly to all the wait staff, and even if the food is made perfect, nothing is good enough for the gazaga and it has to be taken back about 40 times

5. Leering at and coming on to Gentile women several decades younger than them in public (especially black women, too - those poor women) "Hey come here baby, what's the matter? Come here and sit on my lap!"

6. Being just a little too grabby over money (some is fine, but gazaga raises it to an art form)

7. Collecting crass little cheap things and festooning the entire inside of their homes with it

8. Thinking Gentiles are better but never letting them on to this fact - especially thinking Gentile women are better, and spending any amount of time, money and effort to obtain the hand of one in marriage, so the gazaga can then sport her out on the town and show her off "Look look I got a shikseh wife, I got a shikseh pregnant, admire our half secretly Jewish kids"

9. Humiliating actors, writers and other artists and generally overpopulating the creative arts industries, making up ridiculous laws and rules to keep the power and popularity of entertainment in the gazaga's hands, and making the entertainment biz hell for everyone else INCLUDING OTHER JEWS - and then manipulating to try to sleep with the shikseh actress after humiliating her


10. Pretty much everything else anti-Semites accuse the rest of us of and we don't do.

How to spot a gazaga:

Pretends to be prosemitic and will wreck a Gentile's career over the word k*ke, but sees no problem with Don Imus and others, including us, using words like sp*c and n*gger. In fact, most gazagas use both those words and worse when they are among themselves. Real Jews do not use these words.

"Margie, look: here come those two gazagas the Bensons (fake name rinsed of all Jewishness). Hide before they see us and come over."

"North Miami Beach is retired gazaga central. All the strip joints and BBQ places are full and the shuls are empty."

"When are we going to share what gazagim are with the goyim so they will stop hating us, and help us hate the gazagim?"

by Heatherofthetorah May 24, 2007

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