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Bum Crime

Bum Crime.

Synonym for "fart".

This word originally came from the parody of Erasure's "Sometimes", called "Bum Crimes" by "thesquitsuk" on YouTube. The original definition probably meant something far more sinister, perhaps forcible anal penetration, we'll never know, but this definition I think is more "palatable".

There is a sister word called "Mouth Crime" which is a synonym for "burp" but it isn't defined on Urban Dictionary as of yet, although that may change if I can be arsed to write another definition.

The word "crime" alone can also be used by itself, for example: "You did a crime!"

Someone who does/commits/carries out Bum Crimes is said to be a "crimist". As in, "You crimist! You keep bum/mouth criming!"

John Doe: *Does a Bum Crime*

Jane Doe: "Fuckin' hell mate that was one hell of a Bum Crime."
"Ooooooh, Bum Crimes"

by HellaTrill420 February 19, 2018

12👍 1👎


A state of being triggered over suicide/self-harm or bleach.
Best used when your friend/girl/nigga is having a pissy rant.

Harrison: Omg Kys
Harrison: Calm tf down girl, don't get Tregered.

by HellaTrill420 November 26, 2016


A relatively new insult levied against anyone (percieved or actually) darker than the current level of acceptability.
Note that this doesn't exclusively refer to blacks, merely anyone darker than a white person.

Thought to originate from the depths of 4chan, from a particular schizoposter known for "swarthcusations", calling posters he disagrees with "swarths". The word itself has been around far longer than this definition, however. The original usage of the word in a non-perjorative sense is still prevalent so don't assume any use is automatically this one.

Daquan: "muh dick muddafugga bix nood"
Jimothy: "Stop talking like a swarth."
Sir Basedchad II: "That laddy looks a bit swarthy, let's investigate"

by HellaTrill420 September 12, 2023

7👍 3👎

Big Burgers Big Boiled Bond

Big Burgers Big Boiled Bond means literally fuck all. Use it in response to an awkward silence, a queef or to your nan!

Came about when me n my best mate were high watching Kitchen Nightmares, "Deluded Chef BOILS a Burger!" and I smashed the phrase "Big Bond themes" from Peep Show with "boiled burgers" and out came Big Burgers Big Boiled Bond.

Nikieta: *Queefs*
Me: Big Burgers Big Boiled Bond..

My nan: Hello!

Me: Big Burgers Big Boiled Bond!

Group of people: *silence*
Me: Big Burgers Big Boiled Bond.

by HellaTrill420 April 3, 2019