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The description given to person who is so completely incapable of organising themselves they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, usually your boss or a figure that delegates to you, the effects of them being unorganised nearly always has a negative effect on others and not themselves.

My boss is such a fletcher, he lost us a contract with a big retail client because he was playing Golf and was late.

by HelloChris July 30, 2008

4👍 39👎


To fletch someone is to deliberately be unorganised, lazy, carefree and incompetant knowing that you will just delegate the resulting mess to others below you and make them clear it up or solve the problems that occur.

To fletch someone is to royally fuck them over within the work place, creating mass amounts of extra work and stress for that person as you've not been bothered.

I was such a fletch to the whole design department today, I fucked up and just dished the resulting mess to them whilst I went shopping for a rowing machine.

by HelloChris July 30, 2008

9👍 13👎


To be royally fucked over by someone, to leave you in the shit.

To be left in the lurch by your boss or a figure that usually delegates to you, boss, parents, government etc etc

When you have been fletched you have been the victim of someone else being stupid and messing up, instead of dealing with it themselves you have left to clear up their mess, usually very stressful, time consuming and costly.

Had a great weekend, went in early monday morning and found that one of the directors had completely fucked a load of orders up with the factory, I then spent the next week clearing up the mess and even had to send someone to ROME in Italy, JUST to deliver some product to a customer. All because i'd been FLETCHED by my boss.

by HelloChris July 30, 2008

23👍 4👎