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Wormtopia is a land where the worms stay.It is their heaven.When humans die they go to heaven.But worms go to Wormtopia.

Me :My pet worm just died

Friend:I’m so sorry for your loss.But don’t worry it will be in Wormtopia

by Hellopeeps12949 February 11, 2020

7👍 1👎

May 18th

If you are born on this day your are beautiful . You are highly intelligent and love animals . When people are horrible you get angry . But if somebody treats u kindly u do . Your pet peeve is rude people

Oh yeah she was born in may 18th she’s so kind and hot

by Hellopeeps12949 October 24, 2020

16👍 3👎

September 14

People with good personalities are born on this day . But they then have a go at u randomly and make u sad . They speak to u but then they say they don’t like u . Have a good day bitches

Ooooh she’s a September 14th be careful bitch

by Hellopeeps12949 May 7, 2021