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Quiet natured not to quick to talk (ramble and tell life story etc.), good listener and slow to judge others before understand or knowing, caring, smart, open-minded, selfless wants to see everyone happy, a unique sense of humor funny in his own way,

non-trend/crowd follower, lovable and wants to love back, easy on the ladies eyes good looking, sexy, handsome, whatever you like to pick. Just a couple of great qualities Adrian has when you meet him. Adrian also bottles alot of issues, thoughts, back lashes from kindness of his good qualities. Some or quick to judge him because of his quiet nature, but everyone isn't meant to talk every second of the day. Too caring getting used for his kindness. Close minded people only have 1 view, there right, open minded people many views from angles. Costing his own happiness to see others smile but no favor in return. He wants to give his love to her put her on a peddle stool and make her feel like the queen she is,but like they say nice guys finish last. She wants a pants sagging, skinny jeans 4T wearing, I got a gun, want to be gangsta. When he's able to show his love he gives his ALL, but she spells it D-R-U-G-S & mix the two LDORVUEGS. Adrian great person but troubled inside but she who return the love will be the queen she always dreamed of.

Girl A: Y'all know anything about Adrian?
Girl B: Nope look to soft...I need a gansta
Girl C: We talked couple times he's different but cool
Girl B: Different aight..hhhmmm probably gay
Girl D: why because he the only dude that haven't f#\! you!! LoL
Girl D: WHY!! "Girl A" you like him?
Girl A: Just think he cute though he seem nice
Girl D: he to quiet for me....but they say them quiet ones the freaks...Aaaahhh lol
Girl D: "Girl A" hhmmm you a little quiet to HINT HINT
Girl B: "Girl A" Im talk to him for you

Girl A: Thanks
*Few Days Later
Girl B: Dang girl I see you and Adrian hanging out alot.
Girl A: Yes that's my BOO...he so different for them others. Adrian down to earth, no game playing, rough past like me & understanding. I feel like queen with him. "Girl D" you right about them quiet ones LOL

by HerAmor June 23, 2019

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