Tyra is a goofy person, once you met her don't let her go because she will be true to you. She is true to her friends and loves them with all of her heart. She also thinks of them as her family, which is really sweet. Tyra would always try to be there for you and help you through your hard times. She's sensitive, you yell at her she will cry. Just don't let her go. She is trying her best. She's a clueless person and always confused, but it's cute. She will also wait for your text, she will be patient, even how long you replied, but it will also make her overthink. Tyra's an overthinker. She will always try to start a conversation, but every time before she sent it to you, she will ask someone because she thinks that the person she texts will be mad or annoyed. Tyra is a great person, she's annoying, kinda but she's fun to hang out with. once Tyra turns 13 she will be more mature, she'll still be fun to hang out with and be goofy. She also HATES to be alone, she doesn't like it when the others have fun while she is left aside, so if Tyra seems alone, ask her if she wants to join. That's when you will see her smile because she will know that you care about her. Little things matter to her. She's a really lovely person. Tyra has been through a lot, to heal herself she will heal you and if she sees you smile, she will be happy. SO DON'T LET HER GO AND BE THERE FOR HER BECAUSE SHE WILL DO THE SAME TO YOU... Trust me.
"Tyra is my bestfriend"
"i hope Tyra's ok"
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