Very quiet. She is not a introvert nor a extrovert. She talks openly about probably anything with a trusted friend. She gives respect to everyone.
Girl 1: Hey yo! Watch doin' Vaishalini?
Brookhaven National Laboratory
A national lab located on Long Island, New York. Known for it's summer internships, from June to August the campus is flooded with undergraduate and graduate students from all over the country and overseas. What makes BNL unique is that during the summmer BNL can be compared to the atmosphere of college as students engage in partying, bar hopping and clubbing in NYC, heavy marijuana use, and sexual activity. Not that common among most competitive internships.
Howevever, during the rest of the year, BNL becomes more of a work place than party campus as few college students work their due to class and college life. BNL is often compared to a summer trip to get away and bond with people who you never met and never will forget.
"BNL is like college but better..." - SULI intern, 21
"I was soooo HIGH!" - DOE intern, 19
"Titties!" - SULI intern, 22
"yeah!" - OEP
"Fuck" - everyone
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