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get your rocks off

To have a really good time - could be an orgasm, could be a euphoric feeling, could be a giddy state of excitement.

Friend 1: How do you get YOUR rocks off?

Friend 2: I like to looking for great bargains on Ebay. How about you?

Friend 1: I prefer to go to the waterpark and ride the Aqua-coaster until I puke.

by Hey-Johnny-Johnny June 6, 2006

393πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


commotion; controversy; big flare up of emotion involving two or more people or organizations; usually involves conflict, misunderstanding, or disagreement bewtween the involved parties. See also Brouhaha.

Nick wanted badly to continue going to the swingles mixers at the local Elks Lodge, but had concerns that revelation of his marital status would erupt into a brouha over the lax admission policy.

by Hey-Johnny-Johnny June 3, 2006

9πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

blue balls

A phrase used to describe that a guy hasn't had sex in a long time.

Damn, I've got bad case of blue balls; I gotta get laid tonight!

by Hey-Johnny-Johnny May 30, 2006

24πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

camel toe

A condition brought on by the wearing of pants so tight that the genitals concealed beneath them bulge slightly, causing a cleft at the center seam in the crotch, thus resembling the foot of a camel. Most frequent for females but not impossible for males.

Damn! Clarice has got a wicked camel toe goin' today!

by Hey-Johnny-Johnny May 30, 2006

542πŸ‘ 313πŸ‘Ž

not the brightest bulb on the porch

a nice way of refering to a person who is not smart or who does things that are ill-advised

See also: not the sharpest tool in the shed, a few bricks shy of a load, not playing with a full deck

Durwood: My uncle is not the brightest bulb on the porch.

Winthrop: Why do you say that?

Durwood: He saw a sign that said 'keep of the grass'... so flushed his stash o' hash down the drain.

Winthrop: Bloody 'ell!

by Hey-Johnny-Johnny June 5, 2006

32πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Another term for cologne; inspired by the thought (or hope) that all it takes for a guy to score is to not smell bad.

Larry: Come on, Gord! We're gonna be late for the goddam party!

Gord: Hold your water, dude! I can't find my sure-fuck!

by Hey-Johnny-Johnny May 29, 2006

7πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

not playing with a full deck

an expression used to indicate that a person isn't very smart

see also - not the brightest bulb on the porch, not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, a few bricks shy of a load,

Little Davey tried to iron his short & curlies (he's not playing with a full deck).

by Hey-Johnny-Johnny June 5, 2006

102πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž