It is like getting rickrolled. They send you a video of the part where Kris Jenner from the Kardashian dances in the song Lady Marmalade from the Moulin Rouge. Sometimes with a text saying "Get krissed". For the people that don't know what's rickrolling, I think it is better for you to understand because getting krissed is very close to rickrolling.
Jeanne: "You guys you need to watch this video, this is the saddest video I have ever watched in my entire life"
Rick: "Ok..."
But Rick doesn't know he is getting krissed. Instead of a sad video, it is kris Jenner dancing to Lady Marmalade.
---------------------------------------------------------- other example---------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris is watching Jan's Instagram story, he's fav YouTuber. UH-OH!, Jan says on one of her stories she will stop posting no more videos cause she needs a break from social media. She says that we can swipe up to get to know more about it. Chris swipes but then gets sent into a video WHICH IS KRIS JENNER DANCING TO LADY MARMALADE. Do you imagine getting krissed by your fav YouTuber?