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Midwestern Goodbye

A cultural phenomenon wherein a group of Midwesterners, after gathering for an event, like say a meal at restaurant, spend nearly as much time in the establishment's parking lot as they did sharing the meal saying their goodbyes. News tidbits not discussed previously are shared, plans for future gatherings are made, things are borrowed, given, and returned. After the conversation, the group moves to a round of hugs, and not infrequently, impromptu plans are made on the spot to meet at one of the guest's homes to continue the gathering, after which the cycle repeats.

"Honey, I thought you said you'd be home by dark and now it's 11pm!?"

"Sorry, Hun, me and the boys got caught up in a Midwestern Goodbye and we all ended up at Jake's for beers in his living room."

by HeyDuckyDiddle February 21, 2022

11👍 3👎