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Occurs when supervisory personnel intentionally undermine their staff through nefarious means.

Cathy browns her staff when she intentionally lies to and about the staff; demands increased performance of her staff while refusing to provide the tools and training necessary for them to meet the new performance standards; requires a member of her staff to assume supervisory capacity then refuses to acknowledge, reward and/or compensate that staff member for a job well done; forbids and prevents a staff member from working from home only to then beg that staff member to work from home on a project requiring immediate attention; surreptitiously and without approval accesses and reads her staff's emails; without further compensation, reduces by a week a staff member's accrued vacation hours to lessen the impact on her scheduling needs; bullies her staff into into 'doing as told' then denies having provided said direction...

by HighWire2013 January 24, 2014

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