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George W Bush

The best candidate for the 2000/2004 U.S. presidential elections.

Often the scapegoat of liberals and democrats, whose vaginas are most certainly crusty after losing the majority in the house, senate, the judicial branch, and amazingly enough the executive branch. While not the best president the United States has ever seen, far better than his competitors, Al Gore and John Kerry.

liberal/democrat/foreigner with no business in american politics: You're stupid because you voted for George W Bush, and I dont like Bush. Therefore you are dumb.

conservative majority: *cocks shotgun*

liberal/democrat/foreigner with no business in american politics: Guns should be banned!

conservative majority: Dear Jesus please make this idiot's anus bleed. Amen.

liberal/democrat/foreigner with no business in american politics: My anus is bleeding.

*crowd cheers*

liberal/democrat/foreigner with no business in american politics: My ANUS is BLEEDING!

*crowd cheers*

liberal/democrat/foreigner with no business in american politics: FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!

*crowd cheers*

liberal/democrat/foreigner with no business in american politics: *dies*

by Himeros September 28, 2005

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