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A Person who may used to be a furry and got sick of it.

But oh, dear the stereotypes are oddly accurate

There are many weirdos that are furries such as:
Zoophiles etc.

Anti-Furries try to cyberbully an anthromorphic character.

They think furries are cringe.

People say they are racists.

We call furries by words such as:
Fatherless child

But they are considered as chads

Some of them literally think that furries are the exact as furries.

How to make an Anti-Furry video:

Download 2 videos:

As example:

A tank Shooting
A furry that the only word it says is owo

Put the furry that only says owo first
Then put the Tank Shooting


You've made a professional Anti-Furry video!

An Anti-Furry made this definition in all honest possible

by HmmmYouDontKnowIt March 31, 2022

41πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


elementary school kids who think they are Aryan strong soldiers and keep saying random bullshit. Their mind is just post "kil al furi!!11!1!1!!1!1!1!1😭😭😭😑😑😑😑" in any fucking social media they know.
They say they have killed "many" furries,
they've killed... you won't believe it.... the number is insane!!!

0 furries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

made by the neutral gang

is that anti-furry fucking yapping again?

by HmmmYouDontKnowIt October 3, 2023

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Something that should be exterminated.
They are all r*pists, zoophiles and p*dophiles

Person 1: Hey dude i am one of the Furries now!
Person 2: So you are getting exterminated at 5/8/2022 7:43:18:78 Am

by HmmmYouDontKnowIt March 7, 2022



You godamm Furry don't just say that emoticon. i will activate my stand.... DEADLY QUEEN! BITE ZA BRUH!

by HmmmYouDontKnowIt February 6, 2021

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A furry is 100% a Manchild.
They are manchildren who easily get fucking offended.
It is hard to belive that for example a 30 year old man says uwu. What the fuck has humanity become.

Why would they become a fucking animal when they are already one, a fat fucking swine on weed.

Their usual daily basis is to fuck animals, fuck children and even fuck corpses.

That Furry is about to fucking rape me to death!

by HmmmYouDontKnowIt April 14, 2022

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Things fucking retards thing that it's same to your.

Person 1: Your bad
Person 2:* You're
Person 1: Crying Intensifies

by HmmmYouDontKnowIt March 10, 2022


Cuban slang for "dad"

Spanish for cigar and pure

Alternative word for Adolf Hitler

Puro! Can i get toy?

Hey wanna get some puro and smoke?

What the fuck is that black nig-

by HmmmYouDontKnowIt April 15, 2022

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž