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funeral for a friend

an amazing band with some great lyrics that kick so much ass its unbeleiveable! anyone who has never heard one of their songs has not yet lived!
Not loved just loved by "emo kids," my cat also like them!
FFaf are one of the greastest bands to see live! they rocked at reading this year!
matt davies, lead singer is all so fine

matt davies from ffaf is loverly

by Holly November 2, 2004

109πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


cloithes for fags who r rich and shit and have smLL DIKS or boobs and want to be cool,, very preppy and gay

that eric kid wears abercrfombie damn wat a fag. im gonna kik his ass tommorow cus he thinkz hez better than me

by Holly March 25, 2005

22πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž




by Holly October 8, 2003

84πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


pet name: your hunny,sweety,baby.

I love you boo.

by Holly March 19, 2003

5510πŸ‘ 4343πŸ‘Ž

all day

overused and at times annoying response to what day of the week it happens to be

"Is it Wednesday today?"

"Yep, all day."

by Holly August 11, 2004

112πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


Used to describe an extreme metrosexual,almost to the point of homosexuality.

1-Dude,you are such a flamingmetrosexual

by Holly December 30, 2005


a fat hottie. A fat person that happens to be hott or good-looking, or someone that could be really hott if they weren't such a fatass.

"man that dude could be so hott; i mean, he is frying and all...but he could be better if he lost a few pounds"

by Holly December 8, 2004

18πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž