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To Be attracted to People of any sex.
People who are bi are not: confused (PAM!!), Sex Crazed, or any thing else thats not true.

Me. I am Bi.

by HomicidalMercury November 14, 2003

181👍 63👎


1. A dipshit
2. A fool put in charge of the United States, its military and its chemical, bio, and Nuclear weapons.
3. The person that will end all life on this, and maybe other, planets.
4. Had his brother help hm to rig the election so he couls 'win' it.
5. Pussy. (I like it with lots of bush.)

The world id fucked. HOws that for a example?

by HomicidalMercury November 16, 2003

135👍 121👎


nazi. fucking with poor little kids so thy can make some money.

fuck the riaa

by HomicidalMercury November 29, 2003

162👍 119👎