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The unwanted lovechild of Statistics and Linear Algebra that almost every student at Indiana University is required to endure before graduation. This class seperates the boys from the men and the girls from the women.

You will, like most people, probably go into this class as a stupid first semester freshman (even though your advisor told you to take M-018 or "pre-finite") and immediately find yourself immensed in tears, suicidal thoughts, stress, and mass amounts of online homework.

The tests are made impossible on purpose, aiming to get as many people to drop the class as possible. Every day, the 400-person lectures get smaller because more innocent souls are banished and more helpless individuals are inspired to drop out of IU and live on the streets because they know they have no chance at a successful life without passing Finite.

Shane: Hey Alec, wanna go pregame for Little 500 at Smallwood?

Alec: I would man, but I have 4 Finite WebWork assignments, 20 Finite pages to read, 150 practice Finite problems to do, a practice Finite exam, 2 Finite...

Shane: (walks away)

by Hoosierlady November 24, 2010

31👍 5👎