When you get so excited playing monopoly, you vomit.
".. So half way through this game of monopoly, Matt landed on Steve's pimped out Mayfair and Steve literally lost his shit, jumped around and went to grab Matt's money then just threw up all over the table. Vomnopoly mate."
When everythings going so fucking well that you just want to scream out "Yeah Boy!" but you're way too excited.
"who's turn is it to roll a joint?"
"Not me, probably Jack that fat oaf."
(adjective) A feeling of reflection, often used when reminiscing over a morally ambiguous decision.
Every person has their own unique level of morality stability - which ultimately will determine how horrible they can possibly feel.
Man 1 - Do you not feel bad for telling everyone Jack's secret?
Man 2 - Yeah, im the worst. I got a case of the morable horribles.