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There are three main types of crushes.

Type 1: The stranger crush

This crush is the stranger you pass by on the street or at school. You maybe glance at each other exchange a quick smile and then go about your ways. It’s a short kind or crush that doesn’t impact your life too much, but you still remember it till this day.

Type 2: The almost love crush

This crush is the best friend they are the one person who knows everything about you. They care for you they watch out for you, they would probably kill for you. They are hopelessly in love with you and you can’t help but love them too, you don’t love them as much as they do you, you go in and out of loving them, u always think there is a change with you two, but friends are always better than boyfriends.

Type 3:

This is the crush who you know is perfect for you. They are everything you have ever wanted, if only they would talk to you. You get jealous over friends they have or who they talk too, even though you hardly know them. You like them so much it physically hurts, you feel it in your joints, they ache they cringe, because all you want is them. You want them to cuddle you and hangout with you and you want them too love you. You know you have to make a move but it’s so hard for you. Don’t worry hang in there because this is the one.

Type 1 crush is ok but I’ll never see them again

Type 2 crush is so hard to leave but friends are always best.

Type 3 crush is the one I don’t think I will ever get over them.

by Hsdudielwma October 28, 2020

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Something that not everyone feels, it’s the aching, burning screaming feeling you feel in your stomach. It’s the knowing you found them, and knowing you are safe with them. You might cry and you might yell, but you never ever give up. That’s love. Love isn’t common hold onto it once you have it. Please.

I think I love them

by Hsdudielwma November 6, 2020