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1) The word fruitcake has come to mean someone who is round the bend, out to lunch, completely fucking mad. It came from the old British slang"Nutty as a fruitcake"(fruitcakes have got nuts in, ya see), because, as you know we've used the slang term "Nutters" for the insane for....well ever, really.

2) I do believe that some American people call gay people fruitcakes. I know that the term "fruit" has been used as a slightly derogatory term for Gay men(in the UK any way), but I'm really not sure where the "cakes" bit came from, or why!.

1) "Dave came round the other day, goin' on about these multidimensional life forms that are controlling his libido or somethin'" "Oh yeah, Dave's a total Fruitcake dude."

2)....Err not sure really!! I've never heard "fruitcake" used in this context. But "Fruit":

Err 2, take 2) "Look at John mincing about,......Oi John your a proper fruit mate"

by HungryGhost March 20, 2015

73👍 14👎


A) The true sense of the word is to describe something that inspires awe, a feeling of being overcome by ecstatic wonder, all in all a rather powerful word.
B) But this is an Urban Dictionary & unfortunately this word has now completely lost its power & meaning, with help from the American media & Hollywood (& skateboarding turtles), now, when you hear someone say "Awesome", their probably referring to a massive zit they've just discovered on their face! So I guess it's up to you how you use it; the way it's been used by poet's & enthusiasts over the century's, or the inarticulate American stoner way......dude!

A) The view of the glacier from up here is truly awesome!
B) Hey look dude, there's a totally awesome bug on my shoe..huh, oh well; Squish...

by HungryGhost January 16, 2015

6👍 5👎