Source Code


When you become so bored you go insane and you type the keyboard backwards.

Girl: is that a new word
Girl 2: nope its just mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq
Girl: i think i have to go

by I like avocados November 3, 2019

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


What rich valley girls listen to their Taylor Swift with.

Chloe: Omg im sick of these cheap headphones
Stephanie: you should get AirPods, my t swizzle sounds way clearer with them

by I like avocados November 2, 2019

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Middle School

A realm where kids go through puberty. Tweens try out love, find the sport they are good at, and try to be cool.

Natalie: Whats up with those kids
Sophie: They must be in middle school

by I like avocados November 2, 2019


When you have feelings for someone, but your too chicken to open your freakin mouth.

Nicole: I have a really big crush on Billy
Taylor: Go say something to him
Nicole: *walks over to billy*
Billy: hey
Nicole: *faints*

by I like avocados November 2, 2019

587πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


An overrated fruit that doesnҀ™t even taste good. Apples are mostly red, but can be yellow and green sometimes. Apples can be made into pie, cider, juice, cake, and almost anything else. There are lots of My Little Ponies named after apples.

Aidan: Apples are my favorite fruit
Me: Apples are nasty
Katelynn: IҀ™m allergic to apples

by I like avocados November 2, 2019

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary

WikipediaҀ™s hip cousin.

Hannah: Wiki has everything
Mark: nah, check out urban dictionary
Hannah: goes to urban dictionary *starts singing* A WHOLE NEW WORLD

by I like avocados November 2, 2019


When you are to scared to talk to your crush.

Friend: just say hi
Me: *dies*
Friend: dang girl why u so shy

by I like avocados November 2, 2019

35πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž