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big ripper

Someone who rips open a girls pants or leggings to penetrate her anally.

Did James really rip her pants before they fucked?
Yeah he’s a big ripper.

by I like the thicc Bois January 4, 2019

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wiggle wiener

When a man with a 10 inch or bigger cock takes it out in public and whips it around between girls ass cheeks.

Pauls a real wiggle wiener.

by I like the thicc Bois January 8, 2019

california coke can

A California come can, or Cali coke can, is when you take a coke a cola can and shit in it. Then bust a nut in it to give it a smoother consistency. You then take a dildo as a scoop and use the shot as lube when you fuck. Best for girls with a small pussy. It really gets in there.

Ally wanted to be a little kinky last night so I made her a California coke can.

by I like the thicc Bois January 7, 2019

cactus jelly

Cactus jelly is what you call a thick stick and sometimes chunky nut.

Adams cum was some cactus jelly!!

by I like the thicc Bois April 30, 2019

polish blender

You widen a girls ass and fill it with fruit and juice. Then fuck her in the ass till it is a smooth creamy smoothie. Then just get a straw.

I wanted a smoothie but my blander was broken so I used Ashley and made a polish blender.

by I like the thicc Bois November 13, 2020

guatemalan spice tumbler

A Guatemalan Spice Tumbler is the act of kidnapping Mexican men and women and throwing them in the back of an empty White panel van and pouring hot sauce on them and placing Large stones in the van and driving like an Asian so that they fly around in the back of the van. The one with the least blood n them wins. :)

We were going to go out for beers but Dale wanted to do a Guatemalan Spice Tumbler.

by I like the thicc Bois November 10, 2020

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new york oatmeal bowl

New York Oatmeal bowl is the politically correct definition for using a dildo to widen the vagina then pour cereal in the pussy( is best with Cinnamon Toast Crunch because the women like to feel the grit of the sugar) pour in whole milk so it’s got some weight then without a spoon or hands eat all the cereal and milk then proceed to FUCK the SHIT out of the girl.

i gäbe Lindsay a New York Oatmeal Bowl two weeks ago and she says she still feels the sugar in her clit.

by I like the thicc Bois December 27, 2018

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