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An object that is blatantly right in front of a person or even on their persons, but her/she cannot see the object and wonders where the object is located.

Blander occurs as Nancy cannot find the scissors although she is holding them in her hand.

by Nancy Handler April 6, 2006

13👍 1👎


Synonym for a sexual act or body part (noun, verb).

That girl was rubbing up on my blander.

I haven't been blandered in three weeks.

by blandersong January 17, 2008

5👍 4👎


The act of converting a highly flavoursome or spicy dish of african/asian/etc origin, to a bland, dull and less spicy-flavoured version. This consequently makes it suitable for consumption by mainstream english-speaking people who have conservative food tastes. This can also be applied to bland/dull dishes created in the western world but attributed to foreign origins.

The famous curry-influenced cuisine of India was blanderized by the introduction of spiceless packet curry mixes to the shelves of a local supermarket.

Chow mein is a recently created meal of the 20th century, comprising of generic meat, vegetables and spices. It is often attributed to china, but has more local american origins.

by polyhistor May 5, 2009

Blander Box

A computer with internet connection that supplies so much bland shit that nothing is special or personal since you'll see it all.

"This fucking blander box sure is killing the underground."

"I hate talking to people over this blander box, it's just too impersonal."

"Dude I'm into skat now because of this fucking blander box."

by HateTouch December 10, 2007


The practise of telling utterly nonsensical lies in an effort to pander to the uninformed.

Coined from a serendipitous portmanteau of bluster, bullshit and pander, first used in the Reddit thread below: /r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/ng3y7u/slug/gyq4byo/?context=4

Donny really has upped his blander since leaving office.

by Spindl May 19, 2021


A name often used for bland, annoying, stupid or boring people, mostly when someone just pisses you off or you just think their ugly.

Dude, she's such a blander!

by Grumpsoda February 22, 2023


another word for a condom

I need to go to the store to get some blanders.

by bub182 September 14, 2011