Don't listen to what anyone on here says about Cincinnati! It is a great city. It is even the birthplace of Steven Spielburg.
The best city in Ohio; known for its chili, goetta (that stuff's amazing, you have to try it at least once in your lifetime), local festivals, the Reds, the Bengals (yeah, we know that they suck but back off, we're not the only ones), friday night football games (go Elder High School!), goetta fest, Graeter's ice cream, numerous Catholic High Schools, Drive-thru's, and much more.
Everyone says that Cincinnati sucks. Why? Yes, we don't have the best pro-sports-teams, but it takes a true fan to keep watching even when they're losing. Plus, we have great high school sports and, occasionally, good college teams. Elder High School has the most players in the NFL than any other high school football program in the U.S. Yes, we don't have a great night life downtown, but there are great places to go barhopping. My friends and family often go barhopping in Cheviot, because everything's so close so they don't have to have a DD. And, I don't know why everyone keeps talking about how Cincinnati has a high crime rate. I have lived here since I was born, and I have never seen a large amount of crime, nowhere near Detroit or Chicago. Someone said on here that if you go to Cincinnati, you will get shot. This is false. And no, there are not ghettos at every corner. There are some bad neighborhoods, but every city has those.
Don't hate on Cincinnati.
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