Horrible place where you have to be in bed at ten, the best thing to do is smoke in the wood and where most of you time is spent figuring out how many days before you can go home for your exeat (a weekend you get in between Half-Terms) but wait there's more, in the lent and summer term you don't get any exeats at all! How great! Ahh, the British boarding school, a fun place of freezing cold dorms and bitchy girls. And don't forget the best part, most of them are single sex schools so we get great socials (discos) with the opposite sex, which are awkward. They're also filled with sloanes (upper class/ Upper Middle class Brits who enjoy cruising down the kings road) who call someone a chav(lower classes, likes wearing faux Burberry) at any possible time. Yep, you just have to love snobs who don't understand anything beyond their own nose.
"So Livviee are you cruising down the Kings Road anytime soon?"
"Yah sure on my exeat weekend, it'll be totally safe," - A real conversation between two girls at boarding school.
You know when you are at a British Pri- ooops I meant Boarding school.
-When the word Chav is used more that 18 times a day
-When even this website is blocked!
-When pretty much every site is blocked aside from 'educational' websites.
-When the showers are freezing even when they're on full power.
-When hip/hop is played every where by people who think they're really street.
-When you find yourself addressing people as darling.
-When by the end you end up with a serious smoking habit.
-When you're closer to you housemistress than your mother.
-When the best thing to do (aside from smoke) is to go onto the roofs, flood bathrooms and generally do stuff to piss off the school.
-When you have slept through lessons.
-When it seems to be 10 degrees C colder at school than anywhere else.
-When you end up wanting to kill half the people in your dorm.
-When you do school from 9 am-6 pm on weekdays and school from 9 am -12 pm on a Saturday.
-When you have chapel on a Sunday even though you're not religious.
-When you have probably survived on tuck and the tuck shop since you can't eat the food because it's so bad.
-When your main wish in life is to go back to day school.
You can get all this and more when you go to boarding school. Fantastic! (Note the heavy amount of sarcasm)
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