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love. ppl throw it around like it means nothing. you don’t decide you love someone after three days of dating. you can’t love someone you have never met before or have only talked to through a screen. love is more than liking someone and them liking you back. if you love someone that means you would go through hell and back for that person. you would give your life away for them and be happy because you are infatuated with them. but love isn’t one way. that other person must want to do that for you, or else it is not love. love isn’t wanting to fuck someone and that’s it. that is lust. love is wanting to be in any kind of contact with someone and being happy about it. so plz, grow up and get your head straight before the next time you tell someone you love them, when you deeply do not.

it’s not love if he doesn’t care :)

by I.cant.take.this October 14, 2019

2👍 3👎


An amazing feeling while it lasts. News flash: it never lasts

Love is taken for granted, very few know what real love is

Don’t throw that word around because it isn’t something to play with

I can never love anyone as much as I loved him

by I.cant.take.this May 21, 2019

1👍 79👎