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A portmanteau of "boundry" & "ostracizing", used when someone is ostracizing you through the use of unnecessary or excessive boundaries

"You'll never be as good as me, because you didn't go to my prep school, why don't you enroll there so you stand a chance? And become 30 years younger while you're at it?" Said Tim, boundracizing our old hardworking friend Bill

by IAmPseudonyMeRoar!!! January 2, 2019


1. To make religious;

2. To make about religion.

(Alt) religifying; religified.

1. I religified myself and now I believe in the religion a whole lot, so you should also religify.

2. They keep religifying my politics and there's no need to religify politics

by IAmPseudonyMeRoar!!! April 11, 2020


A contraction of "going" and "ta", "ta" in this context being an accented way of saying "to".

In other words: "gunta" = "going" + "to"

I'm gunta get some snacks and I'll be right back.

by IAmPseudonyMeRoar!!! November 10, 2019

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