Source Code

Banana power

When you eat a banana there is slight chance to gain the “banana power”
This does absolutely nothing except make you feel like a banana.

-Hey dude you want a banana?
-*eats banana*
-So did you lik-

by IAteHerMelon May 6, 2020

The clown

“The clown” a term used to describe people with the following traits:

-Lack of empathy

-Tendency to backstab people



-Superiority complex

-Prefers people of under the age of 15

-Will do anything for clout

-Is an overall asshole.

-Hey dude look! It’s the clown, he’s with a bunch of 14 year olds lmao
-Isn’t he like 20?
-Yea what a joke xd

by IAteHerMelon May 7, 2020

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