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mucho texto

A common response to a large and obnoxious block of text.

Person 1: fuck people who play jenga wrong
“YoU tOucHEd ThAt BlOcK So yOu HavE tO PuLl tHat OnE Out”

Go fuck yourself, that’s not how the fucking game is played, you dumb, the fuck, asshole.

Quoted from the official Jenga rules:

“Players may tap a block to find a loose one. Any blocks moved but not played should be replaced, unless doing so would make the tower fall. “

You’ve never even fucking read the rules have you, you shithead idiot. What, is the game over in 3 seconds, if you just so happen to touch a load bearing block first?FUCKING NO DUMBASS. Learn to read you illiterate fuck.

Person 2: mucho texto

by IHateReading52 November 1, 2020