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Ame (noun)
Pronunciation: /ā-may/ (like in Amegakure)

A behavior in which an individual deliberately avoids contact, interaction, or engagement with another person, often by ignoring or acting rudely, to prevent forming a relationship or connection due to concerns about social consequences, judgment, or potential comments.

"His ame at the gathering made it clear he didn’t want to be involved in any new relationships."

by ISO_ December 11, 2024


Ame (noun)
Pronunciation: /ā-may/ (like in Amegakure :Jap:)

A behavior in which an individual deliberately avoids contact, interaction, or engagement with another person, often by ignoring or acting rudely, to prevent forming a relationship or connection due to concerns about social consequences, judgment, or potential comments.

"His ame at the gathering made it clear he didn’t want to be involved in any new relationships."

by ISO_ December 11, 2024