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All day every day state of mind example that hate is wrong no matter what form it comes in. whether you are a slut rack that has the nerve, gall, audacity, to call you slut rack best friend that she/he is a slut.

Coined from my favorite song, "Don't worry be happy," bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks, if you by them a drink you can show them your dick. Hooha!
That even goes for the in the closet freaks that judge other when they do the same exact thing other people do and banter on.

BitchN: "Wow did you see that slut?"
StutN: "Wow she's such a bitch, I'm so hot I bet I could fuck her boyfriend.
Woman: See you two idiots later, I have two great kids and a good man waiting at home for me I need to go make some dinner for.

SlutN & BitchN: We've got sitters cover for us with our men so we can have ladies night;)

Woman: Whatever, just leave me out of your cock hunt. I'm too happy in life to cheat on a good man.

by IWolfDgScarcamspasmKasm January 19, 2010

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