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Although many people think its either: "Rest In Piece" or "Rest In Pepperonis".
The phrase "Rape Innocent People", RIP, from Latin Elficidium iustam interficies.
When translated from Latin to American English you will get the phrase "Rape Innocent People"

People who tend or like to commit crime such as sexual assault tend to call the act "RIP" It was invented many thousands of years ago where the people could rape someone and have no consequences because people back then were fucking stupid. So they made up RIP on their gravestones to make people know how they died. Since majority of people was raped then it became a trend and it stuck to humans.

Now share it to your friends and spread the wisdom of how fucked up humans are.
Next time you think about saying RIP to someone on CSGO or Discord take a moment to think about this post.

Two friends talking:
P1: So. What you up to this weekend?
P2: Not much rly. Was thinking about maybe a RIP around the city tonight. I got a new car.

P1: Damn that must be fun. I love to RIP around sometimes. So addicting.
P2: Yeah, The cops are a little problem though.

by I_LIKE_2_RAPE_PEOPLE January 23, 2020