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A trope used in drawn and written pornography when the penetrating item is big enough to make a visible lump in the uterus area of the character.

I’m not really into distention, it just looks like it hurts.

Sometimes I wonder how distention in porn works.

by I_Put_The_PAN_In_Panic November 19, 2020

8👍 3👎


In reference to artwork, rendering is subjective. It tends to be the final steps that turn the art from a coloured sketch into a finished piece.

What someone’s rendering process consists of largely depends on their style. Though, I believe it tends to be the steps that may come after laying down the flat colours. For example: colouring line art, adding texture, shadows, highlights, etc.

Sometimes, the term “rendering process” will be used as an insult in reference to a tiktok video with the same caption. The artwork in the video happened to be a very unique style, so all of tiktok took to making fun of it, hence the “rendering process” insult.

I just commented “render(ing) process” on that beginner artist’s video, that’ll show em.

Your art looks so good, what’s your render(ing) process?

by I_Put_The_PAN_In_Panic May 31, 2024


A person who will go to near-extreme to extreme lengths to be in or deepen a desired relationship, weather it be romantic, platonic, familial, etc.

“Yeah, I would kill for my brother. Guess you could call me a yandere.”

“I think my ex is a yandere... I see him everywhere.”

by I_Put_The_PAN_In_Panic April 17, 2020

338👍 37👎