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1. Person living in Seattle.
2. Person in love with soulless zombies, because it takes one to know one.
3. A soulless zombie.
4. A heartless person who doesn't know the meaning of a committed relationship with one person; i.e. is into polyamory because they can't feel emotion.
5. Person who shows an overwhelmingly exuberant "happy" emotion to cover up the lack of real emotion, or alternately to cover up true emotion, with fake smiles and caffeine induced energy.
6. Person who lives in Seattle and despite the bad weather which leads to the above symptoms, and despite the fact that Seattle has to have everything even if it reduces the quality of those things, and despite the fact that WA has poorly designed roads, still proclaims that Seattle is the best place in the world.

A Seattleite is anyone with the above symptoms.

by I_live_in_Everett November 22, 2012

33👍 40👎