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Someone from Yorkshire (usually used to mean a Yorkshire lad)

A "Tyke" is also a mongrel dog (which maybe why Tyke is also a Yorkshire dialect word for a Yorkshire Terrier dog), originally it was used by the southerners in the 18th/19th centuries as a derogatory term for Yorkshire folk, who they thought of as uncouth and coarse then it went to being a word Yorkshire folk proudly call themselves, like Geordie or Brummie.

Tyke can also mean a small bairn, especially a mischievous one

"im a lad from York, im a Tyke and proud of it!" - Me

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall April 19, 2013

50πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Somewhere which sells burgers full of chemicals and fat but taste so nice people try not to think of the fat and preservatives.

I saw two pictures of McDonalds burgers, one from 1995 and one from 2008.

The one from 1995 looked identical to the one from 2008.

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall April 30, 2011

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A form of government created by Karl Marx, it was meant to make everyone equal by not letting anyone control industry and become powerful, unfortunatly dictators like Stalin bent it to make them rule the country without letting anyone have their say

Marxist - Damn Stalin and Kim Jong Il bent Marxism to make them powerful, now everyone doesn't know the Marxism is meant to make everyone equal!

Communist- Shut up, Don't you dare put down comrade Stalin or comrade Kim Jong Il!

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall July 11, 2009

56πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

XBOX live

A place which has been invaded by 9-year-olds who are ultra-Master Chief fans and sound like Chipmunks, speak non-stop, rap, call people niggers for whopping 'em, sing, say brainless, retarded things about your mum, curse like sailors and like to they're "de best on de whole XBL" but get whopped all the time. but everyone else is OK.
(please note that not all 9-year-olds are like this, thank the lord)

idiot 9-year-old: PWNED U!

teen: "Kills 9-year-old with no effort what so ever"


teen: Yes, we know you're a little retard, now STFU and reach puberty.


teen: Fuck off XBOX live and get a life, when I was your age I had a PS1 and a portable-TV and couldn't believe how lucky I was, kids of the '90s got out more. Oh I pity the kids of the 2000's, I really do.

idiot little kid: FUK U! I DIDN'T ASK 4 UR FUKING LIFE STORY!

teen: And I didn't ask a little retarded baby like yourself to come on XBOX live, fuck off and speak to me when your balls drop.

idiot little kid: FUK U CU..! "teen blocks 9-year-old and files a negative review and complaint against him"

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall August 9, 2009

47πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


What we are, the Synapsids appeared around the end of the Carboniferous to the beginning of the Permian as the Pelycosaurs A.K.A the "Sailbacks", the best known include Dimetrodon and Edaphosaurus, the Pelycosaurs then became the Therapsids, such as the Gorgonopsids, Phthinosuchids, Biarmosuchids ect etc, these families are Eutheriodonts (except the oldest family, the Gorgonopsids which are Theriodonts), Humans as well as all mammals are Eutheriodonts as humans and mammals are descended from the Cynodonts, which are descended from the Therocephalians. After the Cynodonts came the mammals, the sole surviving class of the Synapsid legacy (reptiles are the Diapsid/Anapsids), Early in Synapsid history, we began splitting off from our reptilian brothers (before then we had all been Amniotes), the Synapsids and the Reptiles (Anapsids/Diapsids) began competing for survival, all throughout the Permian the Synapsids were the top predators until the the Permo-Triassic extinction, all the large synapsids (the predators like Gorgonops) were made extinct, only the small burrowers and the herbivores survived, the reptiles "took the crown" off the Synapsids and became the top predators, these were the Dinosaurs, they became as successful as the Synapsids before them.
After the K/T Extinction Event, the Synapsids regained the crown for being the dominant land-predators, like our forerunners about 200 million years before.

a Synapsid is one of few organisms to have been through both blood temperatures (e.g the early Synapsids (like Dimetrodon) were probably cold-blooded, probably why they had a sail, to heat them up quicker, their descendants, the later Synapsids (like the Mammals) are warm-blooded)

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall August 26, 2009

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The people of Britain, has many beautiful women (please go to bestuff and look for "British Girls"). British people or people of British descent are very prominant in places like Australia. Many people have been fooled by Bridget Jones' Diary into thinking that all British are overweight, unhappy chain-smokers, as you have seen that is not the case. British people are usually very nice, but can be turn extremely angry when made fun off or insulted, so be careful. Most British hate being called "Brits" and "Roastbifs" (the English in particular).

Foreigner with no knowledge of British people: British women are fat and ugly!

British person: Incorrect, is Kiera Knightly fat and ugly? Or how about Victoria Beckham?, or Kate Winslet? etc etc

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall August 8, 2009

31πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


a female demon who appears to be a very beautiful woman and has sex with men to feed off there sexual energy, may also collect the victim's sperm which is then used by an Incubus (male sex demon) on a human female to create a Cambion, deformed or supernaturally-receptive children.

some say that a Succubus "eats" a man's soul during sex, and repeated visitings have been said to cause death.

be very careful when dealing with a Succubus, the thoroughly enjoyable sex can make a succubus very dangerous as it diminishes resistance to her leeching activities

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall January 6, 2012

528πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž