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The lowest and most inferior class in the class/caste system. Comprising of the Underclass and the Working-class.

Generally thought of by Elites as stupid, inferior serfs because the lower class cannot afford the same level of education that they have received and therefore get a less-paid job and struggle to make ends meet. Also believed to spend rather than save and spend their money in the Working-mans' club.

I am Working-class and therefore a member of the Lower-class, I have studied my class a lot.

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall November 19, 2010

18πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

heart attack

something that's become more common since the creation of super-sized fast food

super size me-a good and insightful programme about over-weight troubles (although heart attack isn't one of them, but it's pretty obvious)

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall April 25, 2010

17πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Has stupid, sometimes offensive jokes and crap

one design says "Free Tibet*, *with purchase of another Tibet of equal or greater value" I can imagine Tibetan people being offended by that.
Honestly Bustedtees needs a new design team/designer

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall August 12, 2009

24πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


An unfortunate sub-culture which is a waste of space and should be exiled

Not worthy of being called "British"

Also they'd rather spend money on a crappy old car than buy a new one

Chav-Lend me 10 bar, bruvva, WTF are you looking at?

British person-Get stuffed, you are the skidmark on the underpants of society! How many British soldiers died for pieces of shit like you! YOU'RE AN INSULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*chav showing off his banged-up 1980's Nova with a huge exhaust and black headlights, normal person drives past in a Jaguar*

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall April 27, 2010

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


One of the two big t-shirt ads on urbandicionary.com, the other being bustedtees.com. Features a guy who is marvelling at his printed t-shirt so much you may think he will masturbate over it also a soft-porn woman with a t-shirt half way up her torso and also (which i haven't seen yet) a homeless-looking guy who hasn't groomed his beard for months.

random guy 1-did you go on urbandictionary.com last night?

random guy 2- yep saw that 6dollarshirts ad with the girl who has a t-shirt rolled up to her boobs!

random guy 1- what did you think?

random guy 2- i wish she was my wife

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall July 1, 2009

34πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A new disease which covers the western world, pretty much everyone has no immunity to the facebook disease, it affects your brain quite easily, there is no preventitative medicine to the disease, the best preventitative medicine happens to be the cure, keep yourself occupied, then the facebook disease will eventually die, mild forms of the disease are not bad and will eventually peter out, however more serious cases are nastier, here are the symptoms- DVT (only in the worst cases), stiff,painful fingers, arm aches, arguments between you and your parents, "Can't be bothered to do anything" attitude, lack of exercise, possibly weight gain, there may be more symptoms but these are the ones I know at this moment in time.

random guy 1: I have put on like 2 stone in a month, my wife has left me, my fingers ache all the time, exercise is too difficult and my spots have tripled in amount and I wake up in the morning and sing "Oh, what a crappy morning", please tell me what's wrong with me.

random guy 2: You have a serious form of the facebook disease, I recommend kepping yourself occupied and not even looking at the computer

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall August 21, 2009

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A new medieval empire-building which has had mixed reviews, it says "play unnoticeably" however on wikipedia it says "despite the fact that Evony does nothing to hide itself from network logs and its URL and cookies will still be present in a web browser's history like any other website." Also a running slogan for the campaign was "Save the queen!", although within the game, there is no queen to save.

Not only that, it has been accused of breaching copyright laws, as it says on wikipedia: "The game and website currently uses graphics from various games including Microsoft's Age of Empires: The Age of Kings and Age of Mythology as well as descriptions copied directly from Sid Meier's Civilization III and Civilization IV, as well as from other Mods and Wikipedia.

During the ongoing advertising campaign a particular advert featuring a fairy was apparently taken from the website costumecraze.com. The owners were subsequently informed and blogged about this."

And there was another controversey about the developer corporation, Universal Multiplayer Game Entertainment being linked to WoWMine, a Chinese operation known for gold mining. also criticism made regarding the game has been removed from Evony's forum by moderators.

guy 1: Have you played Evony?

guy 2: No, I've been reading about it on Wikipedia, it as been accused of some serious crimes, being linked to illegal operations, copyright issues and unethical and misleading adverts.

guy 1: I don't care, I like it

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall August 10, 2009

153πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž