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A series of three or more fails in a very short period of time. A combination of the words fail and storm

1)How did the date go last night?

It was a failstorm, first I called her the wrong name when I picked her up, then we went to a steak house and she is a vegan, the I was in a wreck on the way home. Couldn't imagine what else could go wrong.

2)Example Text conversation
Him: 200 Horsepower and 156 FPsT, Epic honda win
Me: Wow that is half of my car.
Him: At an eighth of the price though.
Me: Actually a sixth, nice math there champ
Me: Foot?
Him: Damn predictive text I meant to say Dif (Die in a fire)
Me: Wow, great internet term there, how long have you been playing halo? Three hours? I think you mean diaf
Me: Nice Failstorm there Bud.

by Ibenz April 13, 2010

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