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A monotheism religion. Holy Book is the Qur'an. Prophet is Muhammad (pbub) is the main prophet. Fast for thirty days. We respect other people's religion yes some have lost the way but other not. You can't judge what you don't know. Judge Isis you know them, or the people that did 9/11, just don't judge the innocent one who don't deserve it. And really are you guys one to judge at all? Is anyone really? You're ancestors raped and murdered and torture and broke apart families and took away land that wasn't theirs and now your gonna judge most people who didn't even do anything. You share blood with the people that ruined Africans and American Indians lives, and we only share religion. We are not the same just as some of you have changed from your ancestors. Just think for a second, you are racist you might say your not but you are. The first thing that come to your mind when someone says terrorist is Muslims. But your 100% wrong. Yes some Muslims are terrorists for reasons that we good Muslims do not understand. They don't follow the rules as the qur'an puts. Next time think about that.

I am Muslim, since my religion is Islam

by Ihatewhitepplandtheirbullshit May 21, 2016

388👍 146👎


People who follow the religion Islam. Most are peaceful but some have lost their way. Those people are not Muslims. They don't follow our rules and you can't just say that all Muslims are bad when they aren't and you know that. Do you know how many killers are white and you don't here anyone else say 'oh this person is white and is bad so they're all bad.' And people who think that Muslims are all bad are hypocrites. and if all Muslims are bad then you're saying sweet innocent baby that just came out of his mother's womb is bad. You hate little kids who don't know any better just because they're Muslims. Think about that next time you say all Muslims are bad. Yeah they're some who are bad, but don't forget about your ancestors when they enslaved and raped Africans. And the trail of tears and you decide to put him on the tweet when he ain't even worth a cent. The afrikeners in South Africa, American Indians in America. And stop saying go back to where you came from cause we're all damn immigrants, except for the American Indians. You're probably too stupid to know what you are but your not just "America". And your ancestors are the ones who brought thousands of Africans to America in the first place!! I'm done now. P.s FUCK TRUMP AND RACIST PEOPLE.

My religion is Islam so therefore that makes me Muslim.

by Ihatewhitepplandtheirbullshit May 21, 2016

279👍 577👎