Larcade is a two faced person. Larcade is shy and timid, and puts family before anybody else. Even though he tries his best to protect his family he just gets cast aside as the weak one. But when his families lives are at stake his who entire veiw of the world changes. When provoked into fighting he turns into a egotistical asshole and doesn't care about anything mean he says
Man larcade a bitch.
He comes to me all shy and timid and then later he's this egotistical asshole. Ugh
Larcade is the 2nd starring non-canon character in the upcoming Friday Night Funkin' mod Mid Fight Requiem. He is the second oldest non-canon child Selever and Celine. He spend most of his time wondering around the place his brother Killian made for him or if not doing that he comforts Remezay and Rimma when Killian nor Revon aren't there. Larcade though not look the part he is two faced. He is she and timid when first met but his personal changes as his families lives are put on the line. He hates when Killian and Revlon Pull pranks on him but he let's it slide because he knows they are only trying to distract themselves from the truth of the world.
Larcade is way to weak and has to be protected by his siblings and cousins. If only he wasn't born like this he could protect them. If only he wasn't born this weak he wouldn't have to watch everyone he knows get hurt. I hate it. I hate it. If only this blue hair motherfucker wasn't here then I would be able to meet Mom and Dad.
Remezay is the 3rd starring non-canon character in the upcoming Friday night funkin' mod Mid Fight Requiem. She is also the 3rd and youngest non-canon child of Selever and Celine. She spends her time reading books and learning more of what she is capable of with her powers.
Is the only thing Remezay and her brothers can do, is watch their parents behind and invisible wall as they enjoy their life without knowing they have children or that they have repeated history all over again, The gods can be cruel even to lucifer's grandchildren.
Is a added character to the mod of Friday Night Funkin' Mid Fight Requiem as well as the sister of Killian and Larcade also a non-canon child of Selever and Celine
A barrier prohibits remezay and her siblings from entering the canon-world
Remezay means "A girl who likes books and magic", The name can also mean "A loud voice". The name Remezay symbolizes "A Weeping Willow" and "Purple Geranium".
Poor Remezay, she only wants to see her parents and feel their warmth. Thats all she asks for, but God can be cruel sometimes.
is an added character to the upcoming mod Friday night funkin' Mid Fight Requiem as well as the older brother of Remezay and Larcade also non-canon children of Selever and Celine
Remezay and Larcade fears the worst for her parents as they fight on the other side of the canon-portal, but Killian won't stand by as his parents are beaten, humiliated. Killian made a promise to his siblings to get rid of these threats and he never breaks his sibling promise
Killian is a modded character in "Friday Night Funkin'" in the mod "Mid Fight Requiem". Killian was made either for an April fool's joke or to help the creator improve their drawing skills, either or. It was possibly made an April fool's joke for the people who shipped the main character in Mid Fight Requiem, Celine and the Non canon child of Sarvente and Ruvyzat, Selever. In the mod, Killian makes and alternate dimension so that his younger brother and sister, Larcade and Remezay can feel the warmth of their parents.
Even though Killian made the dimension so he and his siblings could feel their parent's warmth, Killian still has a hole piercing through his heart.